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County Administrator


St. Mary's County Government will:

  • Be responsible and accountable to the County's citizens
  • Provide high quality, cost effective and efficient services
  • Preserve the County's environment, heritage, and rural character
  • Foster opportunities for present and future generations
Headshot of County Administrator David Weiskopf standing in front of a bookshelf.
David Weiskopf
County Administrator
In assisting the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County one of the roles of the County Administrator is to help leverage information technology solutions that offer timely, complete and readily accessible information to our residents, business and visitors.

Contact Us

By Phone or Email
(301) 475-4200 ext. 1320

By Mail

PO Box 653
Leonardtown, MD 20650

In Person

Governmental Center
41770 Baldridge Street
Leonardtown, MD 20650