Notice of Funding Availability
St. Mary's Nonprofit Applicant Funding Utility
The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County (CSMC) funded over $1 million in Nonprofit Distributions for FY2024. The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County have identified level-funding for FY2025. However, in response to increasing demand, the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County will accept all Nonprofit Distribution requests in the form of a Nonprofit Proposal (NPP) package from local Nonprofit Organizations which address the goals in the categories outlined below, and the General Requirements for the program. Following evaluation, and recommendation to the CSMC, Nonprofit Distributions will be based on the approved FY2025 Budget Appropriations.
Requests for Nonprofit Distribution Proposals (NPP): Proposals submitted in each category will be evaluated by an employee committee selected from within the department listed. The categories identified for evaluation by the departments shown below are specifically defined, but not limited to the following:
The St. Mary’s County Department of Aging & Human Services (FY2024 Approved $795,547) offers a wide variety of programs and services to the residents of St. Mary’s County. This department will evaluate proposals in 4 key areas:
Behavioral Health Services related to mental health, individual and family counseling, residential placement facilities, support services, inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment, recovery support services and employment assistance.
Community Services Hospice, family centered programs, children & family programs and services, senior services, veterans’ services and employment services.
Disability Services Assistive technology, transportation, employment networking, veterans programs, advocacy services, peer support, respite care, independent living skills training, housing and transitioning youth programs and services.
Homeless Prevention Short-term or medium-term rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services, including such activities as mediation, credit counseling, security or utility deposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance, and case management services.
The St. Mary’s County Department of Economic Development (FY2024 Approved $94,255) works to maintain and expand the local economy. This department will evaluate proposals in 3 key areas:
Conservation of Natural Resources The Agriculture and Seafood Division works to protect our rural heritage and promote sustainable agricultural businesses. We assist local farmers to maintain and expand profitable agriculture business, promote aquaculture, and work to preserve important environmental areas and natural assets of the County.
Economic Development To promote the County’s competitive advantages, increase and broaden the tax base, recruit businesses to our community, facilitate the expansion of existing businesses, help new/start-up businesses and sustain businesses that are currently here. We are dedicated to retain and increase the presence of our largest employer, NAS Patuxent River and the supporting operations.
Workforce Development An educated Workforce is an essential component of a robust economy. We work to ensure that residents have job opportunities and access to post-secondary education within the County so that local businesses have a sufficient pool of trained and educated workers from which to hire and can advance in their careers with more challenging and higher paying jobs.
The St. Mary’s County Department of Recreation and Parks (FY2024 Approved $136,330) works to provide opportunities for our citizens to improve overall well-being, celebrate community and enjoy leisure pursuits. This department will evaluate proposals in 3 key areas:
Community Events Events which provide community enrichment and supports local tourism.
Cultural Activities Activities which enhance aesthetic, artistic, and social development of our community.
Historical and Heritage Interpretations Activities, facilities and outdoor spaces where people can explore history in a leisure setting.
NPP Proposal Requirements: Major areas to be outlined in the proposal shown below. All proposals, addressing the categories shown above shall include, at a minimum:
Required On-line Fillable Forms:
- Contact Information Form
- Revenue & Expenditures
- Summary of Changes
- Project Budget Summary
- Selected Statistics
Required Documents to Upload:
- Executive Summary - a narrative that conveys your program's intent to address the category objectives in the anticipated funding year. The Executive Summary must include the following information:
- Organization
- Organizational Chart (1 page)
- Description of background and experience of lead staff/volunteer
- Describe strength of organization's structure (no more than 3/4 page)
- Names of entities in collaboration with brief description (no more than 1/2 page)
- Years of experience with written description (no more than 1/2 page)
- Other funding sources with written description (no more than 1/2 page)
- Performance Measures
- List Goals
- Describe goals, explain how they maDtch NOFA, how each are specific and measurable, and timeframe to obtain (no more than 1 page)
- List Objectives, explain how each are specific and measurable (no more than 1 page)
- Qualitative Analysis
- Is your service unique to St. Mary's County? Do other agencies provide a similar service? (no more than 1/2 page)
- Objectives attained, provide statement that describes objectives (no more than 1 page)
- Explain how your proposal aligns with selected funding category (no more than 1/2 page)
- Describe target population your organization represents and how it matches NOFA
- Explain the impact of receipt of County Funds
- Organization
- Audited Financial Statement (latest version if required to complete an audit)
- IRS Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax - (must be most recent filing)
Additional Requirements:
- Attend a Nonprofit Institute class - supply attendance certificate
- Organization in good standing status with the State
Nonprofit Organizations should submit separate, complete NPP packages for each category in which they wish to apply. Completed NPP packages must be submitted no later than January 12, 2024.
The Finance Department held a one-hour training class on how to navigate through the online application process. The video is available here. Please contact Shelly Bean at 301.475.4200 extension 71211 or email with any questions.
Requests for individual meetings with County Employees or Departments to review proposals will not be allowed at this time. This will allow the County to maintain the integrity of the selection process. If any nonprofit organization needs additional information from the County, or should the County need additional information from an applicant, contact will be made via the email
Email questions to