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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
  • There are no County-Wide Alerts at this time.
Office Status: Normal
Employee Information

Office of the County Attorney

What Does the County Attorney's Office Do?

The County Attorney's Office acts as general legal counsel to St. Mary's County's government, including the Commissioners of St. Mary's County, departments and agencies of County government, and advisory boards and commissioners of St. Mary's County. Some boards and commissions retain independent counsel. The services the County Attorney's Office provide include:

  • Offering advice to the Commissioners of St. Mary's County, County departments, or County boards and commissioners on legal questions affecting the public interest
  • Representing St. Mary's County in court proceedings, including enforcement actions involving violations of the County's local code
  • Coordinates preparation and monitoring of annual requests for legislative action made to the St. Mary's County Legislative Delegation
  • Reviewing deeds, bonds, contracts, and other legal documents on behalf of St. Mary's County's government
  • Drafting local ordinances and resolutions
  • Manages boards, committees, and commissions including the Police Accountability Board and Administrative Charging Committee

What the County Attorney's Office Does Not Do:

  • Provide legal services to those who cannot afford an attorney
  • Give legal advice to private citizens
  • Prosecute or defend criminal matters
  • Represent departments or agencies of the State of Maryland

Other legal resources for citizens include:

State's Attorney for St. Mary's County (301) 475-4200 ext. 4500
Office of the Public Defender (St. Mary's County) (301) 880-2830
Maryland Legal Aid (877) 310-1810
Consumer Protection Division (Attorney General of Maryland) (410) 576-6557

Contact Us

Headshot of County Attorney Buffy Giddens standing in front of the St. Mary's County flag. County Attorney
Buffy Giddens

By Email

By Phone

(301) 475-4200 ext. 1700