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St. Mary's County, Maryland
Est. 1637
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Office Status: Normal
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Comprehensive Plan Update

Frequently Asked Questions

All members of the community are asked to attend one Community Visioning Session. The 90-minute Community Visioning Sessions will begin in mid-January and will continue thru the first week of February. After brief introductions, we will be jumping into the first activity, which will be small, group discussion about some “big picture” ideas for the future of our County. When that’s done, you’ll be asked to complete a brief survey that asks you to share your opinion on certain key planning themes. Next, we’re going to ask you to complete two quick hands-on mapping exercises. As we wrap up, we will ask you to share a little bit about your background and share some feedback about your experience.

St. Mary’s 2050: Charting our Tomorrow” is the formal name that has been given to this project and when the project is complete, we will have a new Comprehensive Plan for St. Mary’s County that will bring us to 2050, and beyond.

Updates to the Comprehensive Plan can result in changes to the way that land used in the future. This project provides the opportunity for the community to engage in discussions about updates to the Plan and to help shape the future of the County.

All successful organizations plan for the future. Without this Plan, local jurisdictions can struggle to identify:
  1. Priorities among competing future public investment in infrastructure and other capital improvement projects; and
  2. Areas appropriate for directed growth and separating them from other parts of the County where preservation efforts are prioritized.

Volunteering on the Community Engagement Team, attending public engagement events, and completing surveys are the best ways to get involved.
Click here to learn more about these opportunities.

The project officially kicked off in the Fall of 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in the Spring of 2026.

Please direct your questions to

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