Election Judges
The Election office is now hiring election judges for the upcoming Elections. If you would like to apply, complete an election judges application. You can return the completed application by email to elections@stmaryscountymd.gov or by fax 301-475-4077 or by mail PO Box 197, Leonardtown, MD 20650. If you have any questions, please call (301) 475-4200 ext 1614. Thank you for your interest!
Election judges are responsible for administering the actual voting procedures in each precinct. These individuals are the only contact the Board of Elections has with the general public during voting hours. Therefore, Election Judges must be reliable, courteous, present a neat appearance, be able to follow procedure, and above all else, possess good judgment. Without Election Judges, it would be impossible to conduct an election.
To Servce As An Election Judge You Must:
- Be at least 16 years of age
- Be a registered voter in Maryland
- Be able to speak, read and write in the English language
- Be physically able to work throughout Election Day (6:00AM - 9:00PM)
- Must complete mandatory training
- Cannot be a candidate, campaign manager for a candidate, or a treasurer for a candidate or political party
- Cannot engage in partisan or political activity while on duty
*This is a paid position